Autism Treatment Options – What Is Available?

The sheer volume of autism treatment options can be overwhelming to a parent with a new diagnosis.  We have listed here some common treatment options with summaries and links to additional details on each treatment option.  Websites listed here have been used and recommended by LifeLine families over the last 13 years.  Not all options…

Elopement: Stop Running by Building Skills

“Nat runs to avoid work Sherry runs when she wants attention Mark runs whenever he can They ran in the past and continue to run in spite of strategies created to stop the running. Sound familiar? People who run create stress for everyone involved; often their safety is at risk or their running creates further…

Strangers vs. Tricky People When Teaching Social Boundaries

Safety is a major concern for all of our kids but especially for those who have a more difficult time reading body language and interpreting verbal communication. “I shared this whole experience with you so you could learn from it. Like we have. If you haven’t already, take the necessary time to establish your own family…