Autism Treatment Options – What Is Available?

The sheer volume of autism treatment options can be overwhelming to a parent with a new diagnosis.  We have listed here some common treatment options with summaries and links to additional details on each treatment option.  Websites listed here have been used and recommended by LifeLine families over the last 13 years.  Not all options…

Elopement: Stop Running by Building Skills

“Nat runs to avoid work Sherry runs when she wants attention Mark runs whenever he can They ran in the past and continue to run in spite of strategies created to stop the running. Sound familiar? People who run create stress for everyone involved; often their safety is at risk or their running creates further…

Support Campaign for Chattanooga Police Officers

PRESS RELEASE Contact: Mitzi Johnston Telephone: 423.648.4303 E-Mail: Support Campaign for Chattanooga Police Officers Chattanooga, TN – 6/10/16 Harvest Bible Chapel Chattanooga, WMBW/Moody Radio Southeast, and Pierce Law Firm are teaming together to solicit donations of items to show our city’s support for our Chattanooga Police Department officers. After an alarming increase in shootings…

The Role of ParaEducators in Inclusive Schools

“A paraeducator is an individual who provides instructional or related support to students under the direction and supervision of a certified teacher. In the last two decades, the roles and responsibilities of paraeducators in inclusive schools have reached new levels of importance. The role of paraeducators has evolved from clerical support to personal support, such as feeding…

Ralph Braun Foundation – Accessible Vehicle Fund

“Ralph Braun passed away in 2013. In 2010, Braun recognized that he was getting thousands of requests from people who wanted accessible vehicles but who couldn’t afford to purchase them. He wanted to be able to help everyone who needed an accessible vehicle, but he recognized that was an impossible dream.  So, he created The…

Individual Student Planning – Planning Transition from Special Education Classes to General Education Settings

“Before a student moves from a self-contained special education class to a general education setting in his or her neighborhood school for the first time, the school system support staff will need to initiate a planning process to ensure that the supports and services are in place when the student starts school. The planning process…

School Behavior – Strategies & Resources

The website holds a host of resources on multiple diagnoses and their related behaviors.  Suggestions for classroom and home abound.  Leslie Packer has compiled a valuable list of recommendations for various scenarios and situations related to behaviors based in neurological conditions.  Parents and educators, you’ll want to bookmark this one! From Leslie Packer –…