Eagle Home Care

“Soaring Above the Others” Family owned and operated in Cleveland, Tennessee we offer private non-medical care in Bradley, Polk, Hamilton, McMinn, Meigs, Rhea & Monroe counties. We specialize in caring for senior citizens, the disabled, as well as those with chronic disabilities and debilitating illnesses. Caring for a disabled loved one, or someone who can no longer…

Hands on Home Safety

Slips & Falls Prevention tips: Brighten the lights Secure the bathroom Guard stairs and steps Fire & Burn Prevention: Lower the water heater temperature to no higher than 120 degrees F. Put working smoke alarms on every level. Plan and practice a home fire drill at least 2 exits in the home.   Poisoning Preventions: 

Safe Blogging: Tips for Teens

Be anonymous.  Avoid postings that could help a stranger locate you.  Do not give out your last name, address, phone numbers, sports teams, the town you live in, and where you hang out.  Protect your information.  Check to see if your service has a “friends” list that allows you to decide who can visit your…

Parent Mentor Certification

Reaching Families with Special Needs.  LifeLine will be presenting a complete series of workshops over the next year that will equip you to advocate for your child.  These training opportunities will help you better understand special education proceedings and other service delivery systems.  Parent Mentor Certification consists of a minimum number of hours of training…